Extensive specialization in the field of European Union
Legal outsourcing for companies
The necessity to hire a law firm in order to outsource some services are variated and depend among a lot of particularities, such as establishing a company in a new country, claim invoices into another country, need to solve some HR issues, and the list just keep going.
This is something more complicated once we are talking about a company who is in a foreign company or is willing to disembark into a new country. The foreign company, doesn’t have any references nor knowledge about the legal particularities of the country; they just need to focus into making the company establish and grow.
In Navas & Cusí, we can offer a wide range of services to help this companies, this with our offices and delegations in Spain and abroad (Brussels, Shanghai, Athens and Miami) gives our clients the assurance that any problem or need can be solved by the firm.
The specialities of Navas & Cusí
Navas & Cusí is a Spanish-born law firm, with specialities in finance, corporate, public, tech, and European Union law. The firm, during his more than 38 years of existence, has helped to thousands of clients with their interests, whether it was needed a court solution or a non judicial solution. During this 38 years, and still nowadays, the firm has been directed by Juan Ignacio Navas, founder and director of the company.
At a first step, the firm was solely based in Spain, but due to the international vocation of Mr. Navas, he started defending international interests, and after a few years, the firm opened the first international office in Brussels. From Brussels the company stablished relationships with a firms from other countries, reason why Navas & Cusí can help to solve problems in a lot of countries.
A common service asked to the firm is related foreign companies who wants to establish new companies in Spain or Belgium. In this case we have to take care of everything, from opening bank accounts to oppose companies who stole the brand of the official company.
We also help international companies to claim invoices, defaults, monitorio, or any kind of trial that might arise; as well issuing legal opinions or legal work related with investments or corporate.
If you or your company is having any trouble or has any necessity in which Navas & Cusí might look suitable, don’t hesitate to reach us.
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