Lawyers specialists in Big Data
Big Data and GDPR experts
Legal counsel in Big Data projects
We currently live in the Information Society, where data is generated at great speed and on a massive scale and can reach any part of the world. So much so, that data has become an element of great value for societies, with new concepts such as Big Data appearing.
Big Data can be defined as a set of heterogeneous data subjected to a series of processes from which behavioral patterns or predictions, among others, can be extracted. The problem is that Big Data knows no cross-border boundaries, data circulate and are extracted from anywhere in the world.
Therefore, it is necessary to have legal counsel on data protection at an international level. At Navas & Cusí we provide legal counsel to guarantee our client’s legal security in all parts of the development of Big Data projects.
Dato Protection
In Spain, the right to the protection of personal data derives from Article 18.4 of the Spanish and from court judgment of the Constitutional Court, and is configured as a fundamental right that seeks, on the one hand, to protect the privacy and intimacy of natural persons against the violations that may derive from the collection, storage and indiscriminate use of their data; and on the other hand, to grant the owner of the data the control and disposal of these data.
This right has been evolving and adapting to the changing needs and technological innovations of our society, and it is now necessary to comply with strict legislation for the processing of personal data: the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The GDPR entered into force on 25 May 2016 and became applicable on 25 May 2018, two years later, with the aim of giving companies, organizations, institutions, and authorities time to adapt to the significant changes presented by the regulation. Its adoption meant the direct application of the Regulation in all EU countries and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC.
This resulted in Spain in the approval of the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).
El RGPD entró en vigor el 25 de mayo de 2016 y fue de aplicación el 25 de mayo de 2018, dos años más tarde, con la finalidad de dar un plazo a las a las empresas, organizaciones, instituciones y organismos para adaptarse a los cambios significativos que presenta la normativa. Su aprobación supuso la aplicación directa del Reglamento en todos los países de la UE, y la derogación de la Directiva 95/46/CE.
Esto se tradujo en España en la aprobación de la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales (la LOPDGDD).
At Navas & Cusí we are aware of the significant changes brought about by the regulations, and we, therefore, offer services aimed at defending individuals against any breaches that may occur due to the collection, storage, or indiscriminate use of their data; and advice to companies in the process of adapting to data protection regulations.
Navas & Cusí offers the following services:
Implementation of the RGPD.
User privacy.
Web auditing.
Protocols and clauses for data processing.
Confidentiality of personal data and the guarantee of privacy in the transmission or automated processing of personal data.
Claims or defense before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
Users’ rights.
International transfer of data.
Data Protection Officer Services.
Video surveillance.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
Automated cars.
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