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To guarantee quality and personalized attention, we serve by prior appointment in person or by video conference. We don't work for results.

Navas & Cusí Lawyers

We are an international law firm, based in Madrid, Barcelona, Brussels and delegations in Miami and Shangai. Our specialities are Banking and Financial Law, Corporate Law, Damage Law and European Union Law.

Our experience in the European institutions

From our office in the heart of Europe, Brussels, we have achieved several triumphs in front of the European Institutions, Court Of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. In those cases we’ve represented companies and individuals who have been deprived  from the legal protection from their countries. As an example Navas & Cusí carry out a complaint agains the Spanish goverment in which was determined the non-compliance from Spain regarding the European Union Law
Juan Ignacio Navas ante Comisión Europea

International presence

During our years of practice we have developed a network of offices, some of them ours and some of them delegations. We can provide services in Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Miami and Shangai